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tv   KTVU Morning News  FOX  March 15, 2011 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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gunfire on a crowded san francisco street last night. five people shot. we'll tell you what witnesses saw and heard and what police say may have led up to the shooting. another round of rain moving in. will it stay mainly north or will it move in here? plus what can we expect for the remainder of the week? and japan continues to try
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to prevent a radioactive catastrophe. among all the bad news a miraculous rescue overnight. it's all ahead here on the ktvu morning news. good morning to you. welcome to tuesday. it's march 15th. i'm dave clark. >> good morning. i'm pam cook. let's get to the weather. quite a bit of rain coming our way. north bay no doubt about it. rain beginning to move in. looks like some rates are moving in. highs upper 50s and low 60s especially towards the north bay where most of this system will interact. you can see right there already starting to slice through heading through the east bay and back towards san francisco. just off the san mateo coast light rain beginning to move in. here's an update on traffic with sal. highway 4 to 242 you can see traffic is pretty -- i wouldn't call it light but it's not stop and go.
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that's the good part. so far 680 traffic looks good heading south benicia bridge. also 880 in front of the coliseum so far looks good in both directions. 6:01. back to the desk. thank you. japan's prime minister went on tv today. he told 140,000 people who live near an earthquake damaged nuclear power plant stay indoors. conditions continue to deteriorate at that nuclear power plant. there have been at least three explosions at the plant. elevated levels of radiation have been detected in the surrounding areas. now there's one bright spot for the rescuers today. a 70-year-old woman was found alive four days after that disaster struck. she was found inside of her house. that house had been washed away by the tsunami. she was suffering from hypothermia but she was conscious. ktvu has a crew in japan. jana arrived over the weekend. she's been talking to people in tokyo. some with ties here in the bay
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area. she joins us via skype. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. it's 10:00 at night here. i just got back to the hotel. we were out kind of going to different parts of tokyo and talking to people about what they're thinking, what they're feeling. and one of the things that i definitely noticed was not many lights on. everybody trying to conserve power. that's because of that power plant and the nuclear crisis we've been seeing. the other thing is there were small levels of radiation detected in the areas near tokyo today. so that was something which is very much at the forefront of everybody's minds. we are more than00-kilometers away from where it is and the nuclear power plants and still they were finding small levels of radiation here. definitely it's a fluid and changing situation and somewhat tense. >> we've heard and steve
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paulson has confirmed that there the winds seem to be moving in the direction of tokyo which is probably why some of those concerns heightened this morning. what are you hearing about thewetter and how it could effect that radiation? >> reporter: well, pam, definitely the wind is a concern. and especially with something like radiation where it doesn't smell you can't really see it. it's not tangible in that way. there are reports every day they have to take readings and submit it to the government. i'm told at 8:15 in the morning. it will be interesting to see what happens tomorrow morning when the numbers come out. people have been effected by this anyway with the power. some people are saying there are shortages of some supplies because of transportation. we saw one convenience store empty shelves lacking milk, lack of paper goods.
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so the radiation is just one additional way people are being effected and certainly everybody's taking very close note of the weather conditions to see what happens tomorrow. >> thank you. must be very intense being right there. thank you for joining us. there on skype. you can find her blog. it's called dispatches from japan. all of our coverage on the quake and tsunami is in a special japan quake tab on again, you can see her blog as she talks with people here. more on the crisis and how it could effect us here at home. more on that in a few minutes. 6:05. in overnight news san francisco police searching for suspects in a shooting outside a crowded bar in the mission district. five people were shot at 16th streets. ktvu's allie rasmus is there at the scene. allie, any word on how this
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started? >> reporter: dave, san francisco police haven't identified a motive in the shooting but police spokesman says they are investigating the possibility that this could have been gang-related and that the victims may have been targeted. let's show you where it happened. we're on 16th in front of the bar. look at the front door and you can see where gunfire struck the front of this building. there are several bullet holes on the front door that have been circled off by police as part of their evidence in this investigation. and the restaurant next door to this bar it was also hit by gunfire. you can see the glass in the front door shattered in the gunfire out here. five people were shot. one of the victims we're told does have life threatening injuries. all were transported to the hospital. we spoke to one man who is staying in the apartment above this bar and heard it happen. >> she's wonderful. [ foreign language ] >> reporter: saying in spanish he wasn't sure exactly how many
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bullets rang out but he heard as many as 10 to 20 shots and also pointed out his concerns this is a busy street with a lot of people walking around when it happened. you can see in the video a lot of people standing around as police began their investigation. this bar is just 100 feet away from the 16th and mission bart station. the mission district has been the site of escalating violence in recent weeks. three young men have been shot and killed in this neighborhood since february. no one was killed in last night's shooting. but, again, police think this shooting like the others before in the past couple months may be gang-related. at this point police haven't identified the victims. they also haven't identified any suspects. but as of their last update police did say there was a vehicle involved. witnesses did spot a vehicle near the scene of the shooting. however police don't have a vehicle description for us either. reporting live in san francisco. allie rasmus, ktvu channel 2 news. there are some concerns that radiation could reach the west coast of the u.s. monitoring station sits on top of the bay area air quality
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management building in san francisco. the device collects air samples and can detect changes in radiation levels across the country. >> it's capable of reading radiation levels on a realtime basis and then there are filter media inside the instrument that we send to the laboratory twice a week. >> now northern california has two other radiation detection instruments. one in san jose and one in sacramento. air quality officials do say they believe any radioactive material from japan will dissipate before it reaches us. time now 6:08. well, today is the deadline for pg&e to prove that its gas pipeline pressure levels are safe. the deadline is a result of that deadly explosion in san bruno last september where eight people were killed. the california public utilities commission says if pg&e can't prove that its gas pipelines are operating safely, there could be severe penalties imposed on pg&e. the puc could even order the
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company to replace some of those pipelines. all right. time now 6:08. we want to go back over to sal and traffic starting to change right about now. this is about the time, pam and dave, that when you start seeing the transformation if you will from a pretty quiet commute to a busy one. we're seeing at the toll plaza a little bit. the next 10 or 15 minutes you're going to start seeing a little bit of a back up here. if you want to get out there earlier the better try to deal with this bridge commute which usually turns into a very crowded one within the next hour. also interstate 880 north and southbound looking very nice passing the coliseum. no major problems here if you're trying to get a flight at oakland airport should be a nice drive for you. san jose northbound 280, northbound 101 getting into the valley looking fine. if you're driving to cooper tee know or sunny vale looks okay. up the peninsula and down still looking good. again, we'll be watching for the change that happens usually at this hour.
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6:09. let's go to steve. sal, thank you. we have cloudy skies. rain moving in now. warmer sector coming in right now. north bay looking for some decent totals here. maybe two inches plus. starts in the morning here for the north bay. it's moving south now. mainly a cloudy morning with light rain. this afternoon late morning, early afternoon the system will begin to plow in. there could be decent totals especially towards the russian river. wind 15 to about 30 miles an hour. here comes our system. it's right there. starting to line itself up. heavier amounts farther north you go but our system is beginning to punch in a little bit of rain here. get a good look at it right there stretching from about richmond, emeryville, berkeley back over towards san francisco also back over the bay bridge you can see a little bit there. just went through sausalito, tub ron as well and stretching now back towards san mateo and santa cruz coastline especially around half-moon bay and moving in along the coast. our first system coming in. this is the forecast model for
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the rain. it keeps a lot to the north. by 9:00 this morning the front what's coming in now is not the front, the front comes in later on. by noon some of the rain is really focused on the north bay. by tonight it slides south late this afternoon and tonight and that will give us even some light rain by this evening. as this front moves south considerably tomorrow. [ indiscernible ] [ audio problems ] all right. thanks, steve. well, more overnight developments on the crisis from japan. how the japanese stock market is responding and the very big impact it's having right here right now on wall street. also a lot of people taking a second look at nuclear power here in the u.s. we'll bring a live report. that's just ahead.
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good morning to you. welcome back. time now 6:13. the nuclear disaster in japan is not stopping the obama administration from promoting benefits of nuclear power here in the u.s. allison burns is live to tell us why some congress members have put the brakes on nuclear power plants. >> reporter: dave, in light of the crisis in japan there are going to be two congressional hearings this week on the safety of america's nuclear power plants. some members of congress want a moratorium on new plants. and they want to halt operations at facilities in earthquake prone areas like those in california at least until the full extent of the
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damage in japan is known. there are more than 100 nuclear reactors in the u.s. and the fear is a similar catastrophe could happen here. but u.s. officials say safeguards are in place to deal with it. >> whenever there's any new information we always take that information into consideration and make changes if necessary. but right now we continue to believe that nuclear power plants in this country operate safely and securely. >> reporter: and the white house says president obama still believes nuclear power is an important part of america's energy future. reporting live from washington d.c., allison burns, ktvu channel 2 news. time now 6:15. california has two nuclear power plants. and the operators say they can with stand large earthquakes. in northern san diego county and diablo canyon plant. pg&e says diablo canyon can survive a 7.5 earthquake. the operators of the other say it can with stand a magnitude 7
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quake. both of those plants are located right at the pacific ocean. experts say ocean water is key to operating the plant safely. >> very quickly the winds start to mix with that release. and it becomes dispersed so that obviously if it's rolling out to the ocean the risk is immediately diminished. >> now the operators of the plant will be meeting next month going over safety. japanese stocks took a nose dive for the second day in a row. total loss since the disaster nearly 17%. manufacturing around the country is all but paralyzed by energy and parts shortages. even construction companies tumbled on tuesday. and it is definitely effecting wall street this morning. and, again, the number of companies stopping production including the prius dow jones starts at 11,993 but right now
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the numbers indicate a much lower opening. a big drop will get that opening bell live in the next 15 minutes. time now 6:16. at&t and verizon are making it easier for customers to stay connected with family and friends over in japan. at&t is offering customers free phone calls and text messages to and from japan starting from last friday through the end of this month. residential land line customers, you're limited to 60 minutes of free calls. now verizon will allow their customers to call free through april 10th. it's not limiting the amount of time customer which is talk. now make sure you stay with us here at ktvu channel 2 news and also on our channel 2 website at to get the latest developments from japan. we have a special japan quake section right there on our website. well, today several bay area school districts will hold rallies to protest school layoffs. ktvu's christian captain is in union city this morning where one rally is scheduled to start
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in just about 30 minutes. good morning, christian. >> reporter: good morning. yeah, we are prepping for that rally to start here. that news conference to start any minute here. you can see they're setting up the news conference as we look a little to our left you can see the principal is out here. the library where we are right now is one of the proposed piece to the budget cuts and could close in the fall funding is not found. they will discuss proposed cuts to education and pink slips set to be sent out to teachers across the state. this library is just one potential casualty the district here has already notified 65 teachers they could be laid off. the district says cutting anymore from their budget would be devastating. >> the cuts that we're contemplating here really ripped the heart out of the education system. this district has been very proactive during a difficult economy to make the kind of cuts people have told us public schools should make. >> reporter: now just yesterday
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teachers, parents and public school workers rallied at the state capitol urging lawmakers to approve governor brown's proposal to increase tax increases. today is the deadline for schools to send out layoff notices. we will follow the flurry all day of the proposed cuts. news conference set to start here shortly. the state superintendent of schools will discuss the cuts at an elementary school in san bruno today and teachers in oakland will rally in front of oakland high school. we will have continuing coverage on this throughout the day. be sure to keep it right here on ktvu. for now live in union city, ktvu channel 2 news. all right. time now 6:19. let's get you to where you need to go this morning. how's it looking out there, sal? just as christian was talking we found out about an accident on 101 in san francisco just came across. it's reportedly on the 10th street onramp to southbound 101. you can kind of see it there. looks like there's already a flashing light there blocking one of the lanes right there with 80 and 101 come together.
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chp has just been dispatched now. the police again are on the way. northbound 101 is not effected but it's over to the right. you see that flashing light there on the 10th street onramp to southbound 101. this will cause some problems especially if you try to get onto 101 to head south down the peninsula. you want to think about using the 280 sixth street onramp extension might be better for you at this time. look at the bay bridge toll plaza just as we suspected there's more of a crowd gathering. westbound metering lights have been switched on and soon you'll see a back up here at the toll plaza. and this morning's drive on highway 4 westbound looks good. there goes bart. bart is running as normal and on time so far according to bart. traffic is looking good on 680 heading south. 620. let's go back to steve. sal, thank you. cloudy skies with light rain moverring through. front will move in later t. is just the warm sector out ahead of it. everyone reporting cloudy skies. occasional light rain. lows are in the 50s. cool to mild. here comes our system.
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now, again, it's hanging up mainly along the north coast but it will start to move through later and stall out and weaken a little as it does. some of the rain heaviest amounts will be to the north. give you the latest images and start to move this a little further south. you can see there's some light bands. nothing too organized quite yet. especially up to the north bay st. helena back towards santa rosa, petaluma. also ban now benicia, martinez back towards oakland over highway 24 and stretching back. just went through sfo on the peninsula picking up a little bit from woodside back in between half-moon bay. you can see starting to move on shore. but we also have this very mild air mass with 50s over us. 57 concord, hayward, mountain view, san jose. here comes our system moving in later on. it wants to hang out more north bay. so heavier amounts will be up there. cloudy skies. light off and on showers in the morning then the rain moves in. may not bake it to the south bay in the early afternoon.
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temperatures upper 50s to low 60s for some and mid-6 0z for others. heaviest rain to the north. very active pattern. partly cloudy skies wednesday and thursday and then a very cold system moves in for widespread rain friday into saturday. and then lowering snow levels into the weekend. pam and dave. all right. thank you, steve. the federal reserve is meeting today as several new obstacles to a u.s. economic recovery have appeared. chairman ben bernanke and his colleagues will discuss the risk of higher oil and food prices, unemployment that stubbornly remains at 9% and of course the crisis in the middle east and in japan. they will likely talk about the impact the situation in japan will have on global business. all right. time now 622:67:89 6:22. very messy problem showing illegal dumping may be moving south. and chilling new images from the disaster zone. dramatic home video of the tsunami that just rolled through japan.
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good morning. san francisco right now there is a problem. you can see the flashing lights on southbound 101 just past the tenth street onramp. now there is a problem for 101
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drivers heading south. southbound 101 at tenth street on the right lane there is a crash. more about that straight ahead. we have an update on a story we told you about illegal dumping. apparently not just limited to one san francisco neighborhood. workers at a south san francisco company say they've been victims too. video of a truck pulling into their yard in a 15 minute period early on the morning of march 4th. security cameras don't actually catch the dumping but workers say whoever was in the truck must have left lumber, scraps, insulation and other debris right on the loading dock. >> we were able to find something hidden in the trash and we gave it to them as evidence. >> he's referring to the city official who investigated the illegal dumping. but the workers say as far as they know no charges have been filed. time now 6:26.
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the earthquake and tsunami that devastated japan is already one of the most documented disaster in history. an amateur video of the disastrous waves continue to appear online. [ indiscernible ] science. >> look at this. we found this new video on youtube. it's almost like you're there. that siren you hear alerted people in the city of the incoming tsunami. you can see the wave when you see it washing through the streets taking everything in its path. this video reportedly shot by an american man living in tokyo. here's more new video. this we found on youtube. this shows, wow, the port town being flooded by the tsunami. waves devastated that town despite the fact it holds the world record for having the worlds deepest break water. break water is an underwater barrier stretches along the
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coast. it's supposed to lower the height of a tsunami. well, it was six hours of incredible tension. how a standoff at a marin county bank came to an end. trouble in the mission district. what may have led up to the shootings that injured five people. and the nuclear crisis in japan is triggering a global sell off of stock markets. we go live to new york for the opening bell next.
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welcome back to the morning news. there is the opening bell. i like to call this opening bell beauty and the beast. beautiful lady, tyra banks introducing a new cosmetic line. i believe individual body skin care but of course this is
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what's going on in japan is the beast. look at the bottom part of your screen. dow dropping significantly. not surprising because right now across europe the major market indexes there are down 3% and 4%. and of course the fall of japan's losing about 17% in the last two days. so a lot of uncertainty of how long this is going to take, the businesses that will be effected. >> right. >> how that will impact the global economy. again, dow down 157 points and we'll keep watching. we'll go ahead and say good morning to you. thank you for joining us here on the ktvu morning news tuesday march 15th. i'm dave clark. good morning. i'm pam cook. time now is 6:30. right now today in japan a nuclear safety official said the water that's inside a waste fuel storage pool at an earthquake damaged nuclear plant may be boiling. and that is causing real concern because the water is supposed to be kept cool.
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that storage pond is where there was a reactor fire that released elevated radiation into the atmosphere. 140,000 people who live within 19 miles of that nuclear power plant have been told stay indoors. in overnight news san francisco police are looking for suspects in a shooting outside a crowded bar in the mission district. five people were wounded in the gunfire at 16th. that's where ktvu's allie rasmus is this morning with the very latest on the investigation. good morning, allie. >> reporter: good morning, pam. san francisco police haven't identified a motive, however investigators say they are looking into the possibility that this shooting may have been gang-related. it happened in front of this bar right here behind us on 16th street. if you look down you can see where bullets struck the front door of the building. they've now been marked off as evidence in this shooting investigation. the business right next door to it is a very popular restaurant
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that's popular at lunchtime and definitely popular after the bars close around here. you can see the front door here was also hit by bullets. and it shattered the glass on that front door. now in all five people were shot last night. the shooting happened a little after 11:00. one of the victims has life threatening injuries. all were transported to the hospital. we spoke to one man who's staying in the apartments above the bar and he describes what he saw and heard. [ foreign language ] >> reporter: now the man explained in spanish that he didn't know exactly how many shots were fired but he estimates he heard anywhere from 10 to 20 shots shortly after 11:00. he also pointed out this is a busy street with a lot of people walking around when this happened. a large crowd gathered around the scene as police began the investigation. this bar is 100 feet away more or less from the 16th and mission bart station. the mission district has been the site of escalating violence
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in recent weeks. police blame that on disputes between rival gangs in the neighborhood. three young men have been shot and killed in this neighborhood since february. now no one was killed in last night's shooting but police think this shooting like the others before it in the past couple months could be gang- related. so far victims of last night's shooting have not been identified. neither have the suspects, however police say witnesses did see a vehicle leaving the scene of the shooting. however police don't have a vehicle description for us either. live in san francisco, allie rasmus, ktvu channel 2 news. time now 6:34. well, an almost six hour police standoff has ended this morning after a 25-year-old man surrendered peacefully. this is a story we've been following since last night's ktvu channel 2 news at 5:00. now the man walked out right there right out of the bank of america on tamalpais drive. he had his hands up. this is just after 10:15 last night. the begin cities police department says it began when
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the suspect walked into the bank about 4:30 in the afternoon and took six customers and three bank employees hostage with a bb gun. he eventually let everyone leave. hours later negotiators were finally able to convince him to surrender. >> he's upset with the government. he blames president obama for some issues. the c.e.o. of bank of america. inequality of america. a lot of things he's upset with. >> police say the man will probably undergo psychiatric evaluation. all right. 6:35 is the time. of course we're keeping an eye on wall street. you can see down 300 points the dow jones. check in with sal for the latest on traffic. all right. pam and dave, good morning to you. right now traffic is getting busier around the bay. you can see at the bay bridge toll plaza we are getting more of a back up here in the middle lanes especially once you get on to the bridge it looks okay. steve has been talking about wet weather and it might effect your drive if you're north of
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the golden gate bridge. give yourself an extra few minute ifs you can. look at san francisco now. crash southbound 101 in one of the lanes. they moved it to one of the pull outs. there's a little bit of slow traffic on southbound 101 but the good news is the accident was non-injury according to chp. and this morning's commute on the peninsula heading down south to the airport looks okay on 101. 280 a little slow near 380 and as we look at the south bay beginning to wake up that commute a little bit. slowing on 101 near the airport but that's about all for now. 6:36. let's go to steve. sal, thank you. just had a tweet from paul, light rain in newark. there are some little bans going through. the front still a ways away. it will get here later on. we have cloudy skies. it started yesterday. each one of these systems coming in is going to produce a little more rain. rain moves in, cloudy, mild, cool in the morning. not too bad in the afternoon. rain will pick up along with
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colder air as we head towards friday and saturday. the seven to ten day is very bullish for rain. in fact not only this week but also next week. today's system will take most of its energy and say i'll put it in the north bay. anywhere from a quarter inch to two plus is possible. wind picked up a little bit. gusts 15 to 30 miles an hour, not gusts but sustained. as this system moves south it will weaken considerably and might even stall out in the north bay a little bit. there it is right there. there's the front. that has to move through. a little wave low forming on the front it's slowing down and pick up intensity. again, farther south not as much. we are getting some rain moving through right now. i just focused on the main one moving in around the san mateo and santa cruz coastline stretching in back over towards mountain view, lost alto, fremont, newark. you can see right there over the dumbarton and san mateo bridge. 50s on the temps. 53, 57. the cloud cover's just holding everybody in place.
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this is a very strong jet stream. now you can see where it's funneling a lot of that. there are projections well over six inches of rain towards eureka and crescent city. this holds a lot of moisture. as that jet stream ramps up and roars in that can squeeze out a lot of moisture. so, againings farther north more rain. farther south this is a very well warm sector that's coming in. that can hold more moisture which is why we're going to two plus inches for parts of the north bay. far less amounts back south. this system may take its sweet time getting to the south bay except for very light showers. lingering rain will hold onto wednesday and thursday. and then the colder system arrives on friday. combination of clouds and rain and 50s for your morning and then 56, 62, rain, cloudy conditions by noon and then here comes the front as it moves south. 58 to 68 farther north upper 50s and low 60s. mid-60s towards eastern solan no and santa clara county where the system won't arrive until later on. cloudy, rain today. a lot of clouds then off and on
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rain wednesday and thursday. colder system on friday. everybody in on the rain friday and saturday and lowering snow levels as we head to saturday night and sunday. all right. time now 6:38. happening right now teachers and parents in the new haven unified school district in union city are gathered to talk about drastic cut backs in education. you're looking at a live picture right there. the new haven school district says it's going to have to make $10 million in cuts if the governor's budget plan and tax extensions are not approved. ktvu's christian captain is there right now in union city while this is happening. he's going to bring us an update on what they're saying right now the parents and teachers and officials gathered there. we'll get all the details from christian in just a short while. meantime a big trial is set to begin in a san francisco courtroom next week. what you won't know about the barry bonds perjury trial until it's over. from santa rosa this
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morning, why you do not need potassium iodine pills and why people are still asking for them. good morning. if you're driving into the valley all of a sudden we have a little bit of slowing there. more about traffic and weather straight ahead.
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right now general david patraeus top u.s. commander in afghanistan is set to give lawmakers on capitol hill a progress report. this will be general patraeus first report to congress since he took over as battlefield commander nine months ago. now lawmakers you can see they're starting to question the general on the planned withdrawal of u.s. troops scheduled to begin this summer as well as concerns about corruption in the afghan government. we'll continue to update that tornado warning. time now 6:43. quick look at other top stories we're following right now. pg&e has until later today to prove that the pressure levels on its gas pipelines are safe. that deadline is a result of that deadly explosion in san bruno last september.
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if pg&e cannot prove it's operating gas pipelines safely it could be heavily penalized. in japan 140,000 people who live within 19 miles of an earthquake damaged nuclear power plant they've just been told to stay indoors. that's after increased levels of radiation detected in that area. there have been three explosions and a fire at that nuclear power plant. radiation fears in japan are now spreading across the pacific to california. and that's boosting sales for a certain kind of tablet. ktvu channel 2 reporter kraig debro joins us now with more on this product and why we see this surge in popularity. kraig. >> reporter: the short answer is fear, pam. but good morning. we know a couple things about the three hydrogen explosions at the nuclear power plant in japan. we know there's 140,000 people being told to stay indoors. those people are threatened by that blast. the second thing we know there's absolutely no threat to the people living here on the west coast of the united
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states. that's not stopped people from coming to drugstores like these and asking for them at drugstores. >> yes. they call me all the time and come in the store looking for them. >> reporter: why do they tell you they're doing it? >> they want to prevent the nuclear explosion in japan. >> reporter: they want to prevent the radiation -- >> yes. yes. >> reporter: this is the latest in the series of powerful explosions that have taken place. people are calling and trying to get their hands on potassium identify deed in the united states. the compound is known to protect humans from radiation exposure. in fact, thousands of the pills are available in drugstores across the country, but they're being given out to people in the blast zone. those people are facing a real threat of radiation sickness. a pharmacist we spoke with this morning says the compound which is basically a salt, helps protect the body.
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>> basically the thyroid is to pick up the iodine and reseptember tours once they won't absorb the 131 from the radiation. so take some cheap pills which is really being extensive and they can prevent some radiation damage. >> reporter: that 131 she was talking about is a radioactive isotope we found at nuclear power plants. walgreens only carries iodine. that's what you put on the scrape of the skin. they're selling potassium iodine and out of stock a lot of them are. pharmacies on the west coast have rush on the over-the- counter pills. bills have reached $500 per packet. that's how serious this is getting. in my next report we're going to be trying to talk to some people about whether they've considered buying the pills even though there's no threat whatsoever on the west coast. live in san francisco, kraig
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debro, channel 2 news. we'll get a question in to kraig a little later on. time now 6:46. the trial of the three uc berkeley graduates accused of spying in iran is scheduled to resume in may. shane, josh and sara were detained in july 2009 after crossing into iran. they claim they were hiking in iraq but accidentally crossed into iran. they entered a plea of not guilty in the first hearing in february. sara entered a plea of not guilty. she was released on bail last september. she's back here in the united states. later on today the oakland city council will vote on whether to send a message to wisconsin governor scott walker. that message would be a resolution calling on governor walker and other wisconsin lawmakers to respect the collective bargaining rights of public employee unions. last week governor walker signed a law taking away those bargaining rights from the
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unions. this morning residents of oakly in east contra costa county will have one last chance to speak out about a power plant proposed for the former dupont property on bridge head road. supporters of the natural gas power plant will bring in hundreds of jobs as well as revenue to the city. critics are worried about pollution. the oakland city council will discuss this issue at the meeting at 10:00 this morning. california's workplace safety agency is investigating a gruesome accident at the port of oakland two weeks ago. a female dockworker lost both of her legs after a giant forklift ran over her. the woman was among several employees who had just finished up the night shift. that forklift hit her while she was leaving the dock during an early morning rainstorm. well, the names of the jurors in the barry bonds perjury case will be kept secret until after the trial. a federal judge made that
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decision yesterday saying juror secrecy is needed to ensure a fair trial. bonds is scheduled to go on trial next monday in a federal courtroom in san francisco. baseball's all time home run leader is accused of lying under oath when he testified he never knowingly took steroids. time now 6:48. i know the commute is awake now. sal, what's happening around the toll plaza? apparently we'll get to sal -- i knew you were right there. it's getting more crowded, dave and pam, right now at the toll plaza. i want to let you know that the light times are over. westbound traffic the metering lights have been turned on and traffic is backing up. there's also or there was also a stalled vehicle westbound near the fremont street offramp. the bridge crews got up there quickly. they're pushing it off. it's going to be a little crowded. only good news is we haven't seen a lot of rain moving through. someone tweeted steve saying it was raining in the east bay and it looks like 237 is also wet. so the person who sent in the tweet said it was light showers
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in newark and this is pretty close. so it makes sense. move along to the south bay. you can see traffic on 280 and 101 getting a bit more crowded. also on 87 northbound as we move a little farther up on the east bay commute so far 880 south looks okay. 6:49 let's go to steve. that was paul, sal. and he's not lying. >> no. >> you can see highway 237 cloudy skies. this is the warm sector coming out ahead of it. scattered stuff moving through the front has a ways to go most will be in the north bay and weaken the system as it moves south. we do have cloudy breezy mild pattern rain increasing. showers will be with us along with partly to mostly cloudy skies tomorrow and thursday. on friday and saturday a colder system. something we haven't talked about colder drops in going to give us moderate rain and lowering the snow levels. our system is moving in. out ahead of it we're getting light rain. the front still back here. there's a lot of moisture streaming out ahead. that's going to take aim mainly at the north.
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so light stuff in the morning points south but then this afternoon the rain picks up. speaking of that rain around fremont and newark and right back over towards the san mateo bridge and dumbarton near redwood shores, redwood city, foster city a little bit and back over you can see san jose some light rain right there and scattered light rain around. 50s on the temperatures right now. they're stuck. 53 to 57 degrees. look at this plume of moisture just screaming in extreme northern california there's going to be heavy duty totals. very active jet stream will keep us in a cloudy pattern with off and on rain and a mild pattern because it comes in from the west southwest. breezy at times as well. this system might stall out in the north bay later on and not really do much. there could be off and on light rain towards the peninsula, south bay and east bay. main front doesn't come in until later and then cold air arrives by the end of the week. cloudy, rain. this system still working its
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way in. heaviest rain in the north bay development plus inches are possible in the russian river area. 50s, 60s low to mid-60s again because of this south wind it's a mild air mass over us. a lot of mid-60s. pushing warmer towards the santa clara valley when the system arrives. mostly cloudy partly sunny wednesday and thursday. off and on rain friday. and then here comes the system bringing rain to everybody. stronger system along with colder arriving saturday into sunday. dave and pam. thank you, steve. in hawaii the volcanic eruption was just the beginning. what's happening now and what emergency crews are trying to protect from the damage. plus how a bay area soldier who died in the war will be honored today in his hometown. completing an atm deposit in record time... that's a step forward. go! go! with deposit friendly atms, you can make ultra fast, secure deposits with no slips or envelopes.
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take a step forward and chase what matters.
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welcome back. take you right to new york this morning. live look at the big board. the new york stock exchange down about 245 points but it has been down almost 300 points this morning following the trend set in japan with the uncertainty of what's going on with the radioactive nuclear crisis in japan. that spread to the markets early this morning in europe. they are all down about 3% and 4%. you can see the dow, nasdaq and s&p 500 also taking a hit this morning. in just a couple hours firefighters will fly over the big island of hawaii. they want to get a good look at
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a big wild fire. this one here caused by a volcanic eruption. firefighters say the lava from the volcano triggered a fire that's now grown to 75 acres. officials want to know how to keep this from getting any bigger. back here at home a marin county post office will be renamed after a young army specialist killed in iraq. he was shot and killed in 2009 during his second tour in iraq. he died just a couple weeks before he turned 23 years old. he was a football and baseball star in high school. yesterday the house of representatives voted to rename the invertness post office after that young fallen soldier. coming up on 7:00 get a little preview of what sal is keeping an eye on for mornings on 2. that's right, pam and dave. watching the toll plaza here because it is getting much busier westbound.
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all of a sudden looks like it's at a standstill. we'll get to the bottom of that and also have a look at all the other bay area bridges and causeways. we're starting to get a little bit of wetwetter and that might effect the commute. let's go to steve. very scattered, light, not everyone's in on it. just north of san jose we've had some light rain hit and miss towards the north bay. highs today will be in the upper 50s and low 60s. north bay is going to take the brunt of this later on. right now back over towards the coast we are some light rain showers. dave, pam. okay, steve. time now 6:57. a day of dolphin watching in florida took a dramatic turn after one of the dolphins got a little too close for comfort. joanne and her friends in this boat when one of the dolphins swimming along side decided to jump in. this is a 650-pound dolphin that just leaped out of the water and landed right on joanne's foot. >> i'm yelling my leg is broken. patty's yelling get this dolphin off the boat.
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>> for me it was horrifying. it was like this is not really happening. >> and that doesn't happen every day. despite the large weight of the dolphin almost 700 pounds she only had a sprained ankle from that. the dolphin had a couple small gashes on it but otherwise it was okay. they released it back into the water. wow. coming up next here on mornings on 2 five people gunned downright outside a crowded mission district bar. what police are doing right now. also japan's nuclear crisis could soon become a catastrophe. we're going to take you back to ktvu in tokyo. stay right here.
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